مشاهدة وتحميل مسلسل السد الحلقة 22 الثانية والعشرون من الموسم 1 الاول مترجم السد بجودة HD أون لاين.

حلقة تليفزيونية
تاريخ اصدار الحلقة : ١٢ يناير ٢٠٢١
الموسم رقم : 1
الحلقة رقم : 22

عنوان الحلقة بالعربي الحلقة رقم 1.22

The fact that Nehir takes the ring from Bahar in front of everyone creates a great scandal. Although Bahar and Tülay no longer want Nehir in the same house, Hakan is determined to keep his wife with him. But Nehir, whose eyes are now darkened, has only one goal: to win back Nazim. When Fulya finds out the truth, its only a matter of time before Tarik loses everything. However, a sudden offer from a person he never expected will change everything for him.